Thursday, December 25, 2014

Falls | Buruwisan Falls of Mt Romelo

FALLS | Buruwisan Falls of Mt Romelo
Siniloan, Laguna

In a corner of this river trekking, the powerful cadence of Buruwisan Falls welcomed us.

This is one of those trips where I just hitch up, but unlike my previous adventures with this group, this time it feels like I'm already part of the pack that I am with. Tired of planning my own trips or going solo, I welcomed the invite from a good friend Arnie of The Kid Wanderer. The same gang that I was with in Pico de Loro, these guys is of the same age bracket as me so I can easily relate. Adventurous and sometimes reckless, it is with this group that I learned to "Ratrat" (local slang term for trail running) a trail especially when backtracking to where the jump off started.